Monday, June 29, 2020

Hearts with Hope - a Lifesaving Legacy Passed from Father to Son

As manager of Los Angeles based SP Investment Fund, LLC, Gil Seton has led the creation of the firm's substantial investment portfolio of affordable multifamily housing units that serve tens of thousands of low and very low income individuals, as well as the firm's substantial early stage technology company portfolio with a focus on biotechnology and life sciences. Gil Seton’s many charitable and social service interests include Hearts with Hope, an organization that sends medical, dental, and humanitarian help to children with congenital heart disease in Peru and other Latin American countries.

One of the goals of Hearts with Hope is to provide education and training to medical personnel in under-resourced countries, allowing them to expand their medical infrastructures so they can better diagnose and treat pediatric congenital heart conditions.

Hearts with Hope began with founder Dr. Juan Alejos, a pediatric cardiologist at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital. Dr. Alejos was inspired by the work of his late father, also a pediatrician. The elder Dr. Alejos had received his medical training in Peru. After his death, his son visited Peru to connect with family memories.

While in Peru, Dr. Alejos offered to lecture at the country’s only pediatric hospital, but officials there urged him to provide hands-on training for the staff instead. Later, Dr. Alejos, accompanied by other cardiologists, returned to Peru. They performed surgeries while instructing their peers, and a new organization was born.

Over the years, Hearts with Hope has expanded its lifesaving work to Bolivia, Central America, and the Philippines. The organization’s team members commit to working with local physicians for 10 years to help them build both skills and infrastructure.