A long-time proponent of the need for affordable housing and supportive services, Gil Seton Jr. serves as manager of SP Investment Fund LLC, based in Los Angeles. He manages SP’s investments, which are focused on socially positive investments in affordable housing and emerging technologies. Gil Seton Jr. maintains a strong commitment to charitable giving, and has proudly supported a number of charities, including the Women's HIV Program at UCSF.
The University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) operates the Women's HIV Program, a resource that has offered discreet and compassionate healthcare for more than two decades. The organization maintains a focus on the emotional and psychological facets of an HIV diagnosis. Many of the women it sees have experienced severe trauma or violence, and the Women's HIV Program is working to promote trauma-informed care in the medical field at large.
This holistic approach to HIV care is known as the Ryan White care system, named for the young man who first received HIV from a blood transfusion. In addition to caring for the whole person, this approach fosters community involvement and truly interdisciplinary care.
To learn more about the Women’s HIV Program at UCSF, please visit http://whp.ucsf.edu/.